5 Things to Avoid on Your Granite Countertops

Person wiping white and black countertop with white hand towelGranite countertops can certainly be a homeowner’s most treasured investment. While many people know there are things that can be done to countertops to keep them protected and looking their best, some may not realize that the realize that certain household items can have an equally adverse effect. Here are five things to avoid putting on or doing to your granite countertops:

1. Anything Acidic

At this point, you probably know that you need to periodically seal your counters. This protective layer is strong, but not totally invincible. Many acidic substances can damage this seal, so it’s best to avoid putting items like vinegar, citrusy fruits, and certain cleaners on your granite countertops.

2. Ignored or Forgotten Spills

We always seem to spill things at the worst times: as the pan is bubbling over, as you’re heading out the door, etc. Therefore, it’s easy to forget about a spill, especially if it’s a clear liquid. However, if you let a spill sit, it can etch the seal and stain the granite.

3. Knives

It can be tempting to just cut whatever you’re cooking right on your countertops, but you should fight that urge. Knives can hurt the seal on your counters and the blades will get dull fairly quickly if you make a habit of it. Protect both your granite countertops and your knives by always using a cutting board.

4. Hot Pots & Pans

The sealants over your countertops can weaken from excessive heat, so you want to avoid putting hot pots and pans on them frequently. Instead, invest in a good set of trivets so that you have plenty handy and know that they’ll keep your granite countertops protected.

5. Yourself

It may seem like the best way to reach something on a high shelf or cabinet is to simply stand on your countertops, but we strongly advise against this. It’s safer for both you and your granite countertops to use a step stool.

Looking for more granite countertop maintenance tips? Explore our blog or contact Granite & Marble Design today to speak to a knowledgeable team member.

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