How to Choose a Countertop Color

How to Choose a Countertop Color

As one of the main focal points of your kitchen or bathroom’s design, your counters play a significant role in setting the tone and overall aesthetic of the room. With that in mind, choosing the right color for your countertops is a major decision that you’ll need to be happy with not only now, but also in the long run. So, if you’re not sure how to choose a countertop color, our team at Granite & Marble Design is here to help.

What to Consider When Choosing a Countertop Color

You’re not going to invest in new countertops all that often. So, when you do have new counters added to your kitchen or bathroom, you’ll want to think big-picture. As tempting as it might be to match or complement the color of your counters to the color of your walls, keep in mind that the paint and wallpaper colors are likely to change and evolve as your tastes do. The same goes for your accessories. Those will also change, which makes them a tricky thing to design your counters around.

More than likely, you’re going to want to choose a solid, more neutral countertop color—though perhaps with hints of other colors in it. That way, you can design the rest of your kitchen around your countertops instead of vice-versa. Other elements that may be taken into consideration when deciding on a countertop color is the location of your counters. If they’re in a smaller space, you’ll want to avoid light colors. And if they’re in a room with windows, you’re more likely to be OK choosing darker colors, as the natural light will prevent the room from looking gloomy and dark as a whole.

Be Sure to Sample When Choosing a Countertop Color

One of the most important things to do when choosing a countertop color is sample them. That’s the name of the game. You’ll want to thoroughly vet your options, checking out samples before you make your ultimate decision. In the end, you’ll know what best suits your tastes and the design of your space.

To learn more about how to choose a countertop color or to find out about the options available to you, contact Granite & Marble Design today.

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