How Are Quartz Countertops Made?

How Quartz Countertops Are MadeAs you research different countertop materials, you’ve probably realized that some choices like granite and marble are naturally occurring, while other options like quartz are man-made. However, many times quartz countertops can be crafted to look virtually identical to natural stone alternatives, causing you to wonder exactly how quartz countertops are made. Let’s start with the components:

Components of Quartz Countertops

While quartz itself is a naturally occurring mineral, it must be bonded with something else to become a viable building material like countertops. Generally, the quartz is bound using resins or other binders to form countertops. Plus, to create a wide array of color options, pigments are added as well.

Creating Quartz Countertops

Quartz countertops are made by mixing all of these components together; this is done by using an industrial mixer. This mixture is then poured into a mold the size and shape of the countertop slab being made. Inside the mold, the mixture is fully compressed using a vacuum and vibration to create pressure and compact it.

To solidify the mixture into a hard surface, it is baked inside an industrial oven at extremely high temperatures. Finally, the surface of the quartz countertop is polished to create a glossy, eye-catching shine.

Turn to Granite & Marble Design

If you’re interested in having your own custom quartz countertops created, you should turn to Granite & Marble Design. As a leading countertop fabricator and installer in Southeastern Michigan, we can provide you with the perfect quartz countertops to suit your tastes and complement your home. Contact us today to learn more.

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